Stains on carpets in Scottsdale, AZ can be unsightly and stressful. There is nothing worse than expecting your mother to visit and look down and see a horrible coffee stain on your beautiful carpet. Oh no! What do you do? Well, never fear, for I have some simple and easy solutions for all your stains needs.
Coffee stains: Gather the materials you need; white shaving cream, dish soap, a spray bottle with water, and a clean towel. Lightly mist the stain with the water and then apply a small amount of the dish soap directly onto the stain. Gently rub the dish soap into the stain in a circular motion, being careful not to push the stain further into the carpet. Blot dry with the clean towel. If some of the stain remains, apply some of the shaving cream onto the stain and rub in. Blot dry again.
Blood stains: Gather the materials you need; steel brush, hand soap, a spray bottle with water, and a clean towel. If the stain is dry, use the steel brush to remove the upper deposits of blood. Follow the same steps that you did for the coffee stains. Keep repeating the steps until the stain is gone.