Tiles in the floor are the one thing that catches the most dirt and grime, especially when people walk on them daily, all day long. There are pets that play on floors, children that walk and play on the floors, and people that constantly walk back and forth. Grout lines in the floors are what catches the most dirt and grime, and can look very dirty, very fast. People often scrub tiles and grout lines with household cleaning materials, but that does not always work. We do the best Chandler, AZ tile cleaning there is, as we have trained professional cleaners, that work on your flooring until we get it right. We use our professional truck mounting cleaning system to get to the deepest dirt in your floors.
We have several other cleaning methods besides the truck mounted cleaning system. We can also just use a regular steam cleaner with hot water extraction for your floors, and this helps to bring up all of the dirt and grime that seems to be stuck there forever. When we do our professional tile cleaning of your home or business, we do work hard to remove bacteria and germs from your flooring, as we know that your pets and children need to have a safe place to walk and roam in your home too. After our initial cleaning process, our professional team uses a sealant that will protect your flooring for months after. We work on porcelain flooring, concrete flooring, granite flooring, slate flooring, and other types of flooring. We are trained to restore color to your flooring also, making it look like as close to a brand new floor in your home or business as possible with our Chandler, AZ tile cleaning.