You have spent a lot of money of your living room furniture. Sofas and armchairs should give you many years of excellent service, so if you have stains and marks on your furnishings you may be wondering what you should do. If you think that attempting to clean your upholstery yourself is a frugal, money-saving option, think again. Store-bought Upholstery Cleaning in Scottsdale, AZ products are often ineffectual and may even result in making the stains appear worse than ever. Fading, stretching and shrinkage are just some of the common problems that may occur when you choose to use commercially available cleaning products, and in a worst case scenario, you may even damage the fibers of your upholstery permanently.
It makes sense to hire a professional Upholstery Cleaning in Scottsdale, AZ service, who can ensure that your furnishings are left looking as good as new, with no damage, no shrinkage and no stains. Because they are experts in their industry, they have access to all the latest technology, products and equipment that will ensure a perfect finish, prolonging the life of your furniture for many years.
Most importantly, professional Upholstery Cleaning in Scottsdale, AZ have the skills, training and experience to assess your upholstery's individual needs, taking into account the nature of the fabric and fibers, any existing stains and the textures of the materials. They will know the ideal method and products to use to restore your furniture to optimum condition.
One of the common Upholstery Cleaning in Scottsdale, AZ methods is to use a steam cleaning system to ensure all dirt, stains, bacteria and ground-in grime is thoroughly removed. However this method is unsuitable for delicate fabrics, on which a dry cleaning system is used to effectively remove stains safely without damage.
Call in Spotless Carpet Care for help, and give your sofas and chairs a brand new lease of life.